The next five days we'll shift focus from grace to the affection of gratitude. This may seem like a strange affection at first. However, gratitude (or thankfulness) in the Bible implies that your heart is responding with joy for a grace that has been poured out onto your life. Have you thought of your husband as a tangible, touchable grace from God? Your husband is a gift. He is a measure of grace to you from God.

The opposite of gratitude is thank
lessness. Thanklessness gives way to self entitlement, cynicism, and bitterness. Bitterness eventually defiles our very hearts. May you allow God to remind you of His tender grace toward you in the gift of your husband as you spend the week cultivating the very tender affection of gratitude toward your husband.
Today’s Vow: Sometimes I am so consumed with my own life, worries and frustrations that I neglect to show gratitude for my husband. I don’t want to continue being selfish. I desire to be a wife who seeks to inspire and encourage my husband. Lord, help me to become more aware (and thankful) of what I have, than of what I don’t have. “
Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming!" Song of Solomon 2 :15 (NLT)
Today’s Challenge: I will pray and ask God to reveal those things that keep me from being grateful.
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